Talent Analytics

Data-driven insights to help identify, develop and retain your best people

The success of any endeavour is driven by the quality of the people involved.

Identifying, developing and retaining your very best people should be the number one strategic priority for most businesses. Using the science of business and organisational psychology we bring objective analysis and detailed insights that will help you to make the most effective people decisions.

Using the most respected assessment tools in the market, our bespoke analytics highlight the subtle facts and hidden variables at play.  Enabling you to make accurate and incisive recommendations about individual capability and team performance.

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Key Talent

Do you have the ability to assess talent objectively and without bias, so that you can identify future potential?

Our bespoke analytics allow you to pinpoint your future leaders and their specific development needs, saving you considerable time and money.

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Cultural Dynamics

Using high quality psychometrics, we help you to create agile teams with a higher chance of success together, who can stay the course during a demanding project, or ‘click’ faster with greater accountability.

Enabling you to harness the power of diversity.

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Succession Planning

Few organisations address this in a systematic way. Our analytics help to identify the next generation and match them against your future demands.

This means you can be much more proactive and filling gaps doesn’t present a significant risk.

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Team Resilience

The impact of change can lead to stress and a fall in productivity. Leaders need to stay resourceful.

Our advice will help you to develop the toughness, flexibility and inner strength that is required to overcome stressful situations.

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Board Development

Putting our reputational data on the table can facilitate a debate around remedying blind spots and dysfunctional behaviours. 

You need to be aligned in order to create a better functioning board – we will get you there.

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Executive Assessment

Not being tied to a specific assessment leaves us free to create the correct process for your specific context.

We can create short, objective aides for your recruitment decisions or more detailed, in-depth profiles for executive roles.

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